A Source of Inspiration for the Couple Planning a Cultural Wedding

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thank You for Visiting

We would like to thank all the couples that stopped by our booth at the bridal shows in which we were exhibitors over the past few weeks. Meeting newly engaged couples from a variety of backgrounds, cultures, and races is such an exhilerating experience. Witnessing the different perspectives that each individual brings to the table when planning the biggest event of their new lives together is fulfilling. Several people who visited our booth commented on the uniqueness and diversity of our products. We cherish those remarks because that's our goal. That’s where we fit in.
WorldlyWeddings.com offers just the right touch of cultural diversity that is lacking in the wedding market today.

If your cultural heritage is important to you, then you’ll appreciate what Worldly Weddings has to offer. See for yourself, WorldlyWeddings.com specializes in wedding accessories, favors & gifts that are a reflection of today’s diverse couples. In our Advice & Ideas page, we feature everything you always wanted to know about having a culturally inspired wedding.


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Celebrate Black History Month

Today we want to acknowledge Black History Month. Each February, there are critics who question whether we should continue to celebrate Black History month. The contributions made by many African Americans are an integral part of this country’s history. From inventors such as Charles Drew, Garrett Morgan and George Washington Carver to Civil Rights leaders such as Fredrick Douglas, Marcus Garver and Martin Luther King, Jr. to sport heroes and political figures; the contributions and positive impact of African Americans are far-reaching.

In 1926, Dr. Carter Woodson, a black historian helped establish February as Black History Month to honor the birthdays of Frederick Douglas, a black abolitionist leader and President Abraham Lincoln. Today, Black History month serves to celebrate African American pioneers.

Consider getting married in February to honor your African American roots. One very popular African American wedding custom is “Jumping the Broom”. This is a well-known tradition whose origin is up for debate. During the slavery era, since African slaves were forbidden to marry in America, they would make a public declaration of their love and commitment by jumping over a broom to the beat of drums. Today, this ritual signifies the start of the couple making a home together. Shop for wedding brooms now

We absolutely adore these beautiful Jumping Broom Design mint tins featuring an elegant Jumping Broom against a white background. The label can be personalized with the name's of the bride and groom along with the wedding date. Buy now


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Eva Longoria's French/Mexican Wedding

The lavish wedding of actress, Eva Longoria and basketball star, Tony Parker was one of the most publicized weddings last year. The media covered everything from the lucky wedding date, 07/07/07 to the extravagant Parisian castle where the reception was held, to the gift baskets worth $8000 that Eva gave her bridesmaids.

Yet, there was one aspect of the wedding that didn’t receive as much press coverage; the cultural elements that Eva chose to incorporate in what she called her “French/Mexican” wedding. Although the wedding was held in France, where Tony was raised; to honor Eva’s Hispanic roots, the couple included several traditional Mexican wedding customs in the ceremony. In OK Weekly magazine, Eva is quoted as saying, “Our Families are both Catholic, so it was important to do it in a church... We added the Mexican traditions, with the lazo and the dimes arras, the bible readings and lighting of the unity candle.”

One of the wedding pictures featured in OK magazine shows the lazo wrapped around Eva and Tony's shoulders while they knelt at the altar during the wedding ceremony. (Courtesy of: OK Weekly magazine)

To ensure that guests could follow along during the ceremony, LA stationer Ellen Black printed explanations of the customs in the wedding program. (Courtesy of: InStyle magazine)

Let Eva & Tony's wedding be an inspiration to you. The Hispanic culture is rich with traditions that can add depth and special meaning to your wedding day. Be sure to explain the symbolism of the Latino traditions and customs used in your wedding. Your non-Latino guests will be charmed and informed and your Latino guests will be proud that you are celebrating your heritage.

Here’s a list of the traditional Mexican wedding customs that Eva Longoria and Tony Parker incorporated in their wedding along with some other popular Hispanic wedding customs:
There is some debate about where this custom originated, our sources site Spain. This endearing traditional Hispanic wedding custom consists of the groom giving the bride thirteen gold coins called arras to represent his commitment to support her. Shop for Arras now
As part of the ceremony to symbolize unity, an extra-long strand of rosary beads or Lazo is placed in a figure eight shape around the necks of the couple after they have exchanged their vows. The symbolism of the lazo is to show the union and protection of marriage. Shop for a Lazo now

These handmade party favors are decorative pins with personalized ribbon that feature the name of the bride and groom along with the wedding date. At the reception, the Bride and Groom may pin the capias on the guests. At some Hispanic weddings, they may pin the capias to a doll dressed like the bride. The dolls is then displayed and covered with capias for the guests to retrieve.
Shop for Capias now

Ribbon Cake
In some Latino countries, before the cake is cut and served, single women pull ribbons out of the cake. The lucky one who pulls the ribbon with the ring is said to marry within the year.
Visit http://www.worldlyweddings.com


Thursday, February 7, 2008

Happy Chinese New Year

Today is Chinese New Year; also known as the first day of the Chinese Year of the Rat. This holiday is observed by many Asian countries and communities around the world including China, Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Malaysia. Celebrated as one of the major holidays; people exchange gifts, visit family and honor their ancestors during the first three days of the first lunar month. A popular gift given during Chinese New Year is “Hong Bao” or red envelope in Chinese. Hong Bao is simply a red envelope with money it. The envelope is typically decorated with lucky symbols to signify luck and wealth. Hong Bao has also become a very popular wedding gift. Shop for Hong Bao now

Unfortunately this Chinese New Year has been difficult for some. China was recently hit with harsh snow storms leaving millions without power and essential services. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all affected by the storms on this Chinese New Year. Visit http://www.worldlyweddings.com/:
To shop for Hong Bao, Asian Wedding Favors, Double Happiness Favors, Asian Wedding Accessories
To learn more about traditional Chinese wedding customs or Japanese wedding customs


Sunday, February 3, 2008

First Blog Entry...ever

This is the first blog entry of what I hope to be many. I must admit that I’m a little nervous, in a good way. I’m also very excited about starting this blog for a number of reasons:

1. It’s something new to me
2. I can finally see what the blogging buzz is all about
3. I love to write
4. I’m passionate about weddings
5. I love learning about different cultures

With that said, one would think that I’d have tons to write about in my first blog entry. Thing is, the Super Bowl is today. Although I’m not a huge football fan, every year I manage to get swept up in the excitement of Super Bowl Sunday. It should be an exciting game tonight. Who am I rooting for? I’m from Connecticut; deduce from that what you will (smile). Enjoy!

Be sure to check out our website, www.worldlyweddings.com, the premier online resource for cultural wedding accessories, favors & gifts. Worldly Weddings was formed to offer wedding accessories, favors & gifts that are a reflection of today’s diverse couples. We are passionate about our work and we respect the cultures, religions, ethnicities and races of all couples.
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