A Source of Inspiration for the Couple Planning a Cultural Wedding

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Celebrate Black History Month

Today we want to acknowledge Black History Month. Each February, there are critics who question whether we should continue to celebrate Black History month. The contributions made by many African Americans are an integral part of this country’s history. From inventors such as Charles Drew, Garrett Morgan and George Washington Carver to Civil Rights leaders such as Fredrick Douglas, Marcus Garver and Martin Luther King, Jr. to sport heroes and political figures; the contributions and positive impact of African Americans are far-reaching.

In 1926, Dr. Carter Woodson, a black historian helped establish February as Black History Month to honor the birthdays of Frederick Douglas, a black abolitionist leader and President Abraham Lincoln. Today, Black History month serves to celebrate African American pioneers.

Consider getting married in February to honor your African American roots. One very popular African American wedding custom is “Jumping the Broom”. This is a well-known tradition whose origin is up for debate. During the slavery era, since African slaves were forbidden to marry in America, they would make a public declaration of their love and commitment by jumping over a broom to the beat of drums. Today, this ritual signifies the start of the couple making a home together. Shop for wedding brooms now

We absolutely adore these beautiful Jumping Broom Design mint tins featuring an elegant Jumping Broom against a white background. The label can be personalized with the name's of the bride and groom along with the wedding date. Buy now



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